Archive | June 2019

*FREBBIE* Menace by Laramie Briscoe

I have read this book and Menace is a man to fall in love with! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

This sexy, single-dad is FREE for a limited time! 

Mason “Menace” Harrison

“Single and ready to mingle……”
Those are the words above every picture of almost every female that strikes my interest on this dating app my son talked me into getting. After being a single dad for seventeen years, I’m ready to spread my wings, just not with most of the co-eds who keep hitting on me and calling me daddy.

Now that Caleb’s in his Senior year of high school, I feel like I can let go of the iron-clad control I’ve had on myself without his Mom in our lives. I’ve enjoyed raising him, love the relationship we have, and while he went off the rails for a bit last year, we’re closer than we’ve ever been. He’s got a full ride to the University of Alabama, and I’ve settled into my spot with the Moonshine Task Force.

But my son doesn’t warm my bed, he isn’t someone I can share my dreams with, and he’s not the person I want to grow old with by my side. I’m not sure who that is yet, but the smokin’ hot lady going by the name BeachBum83 definitely has every single bit of my interest.

Karina Holland

“Looking for a good time, maybe more…..”

Those were the lamest words I ever typed in my life, but it was the best I had for the dating app my friend, Violet talked me into joining. I didn’t have any high hopes for myself. As a High School English teacher, I’m sick of pervy Dad’s hitting on me when they come in to discuss their child’s lack of motivation to read the classics and apply themselves.

Until the day Mason Harrison walks into my classroom. I had no idea Caleb’s Dad was the man I met off that dating app who showed me how flexible I really am in the back of his Jeep. Within minutes of the parent/teacher conference he proved the sparks weren’t one-time only when we christened my desk.

Mason and Caleb? They touch a part of my heart that no one’s ever touched before, and when a threat from the past shows up, I prove just how tough I really am.

Download Today


Malum part 2 by Amo Jones–Review

Seriously, a part of me wants to just say to you all, ‘Just read the book. Don’t hesitate, don’t think twice, just one-click this baby and read.’ However, that really isn’t a review now is it?

I am wrecked, flabbergasted, suspicious of everything and everyone. Dare I say happy? I’m afraid if I do, Ms. Jones is going to throw another one of her epic monkey wrenches in everything and take that away. I’ll admit I said this before about a couple of books, but Malum part 2, truly did destroy me and rip me apart. I’m still unsure how I’m being put back together, but my love for Tillie and Nate is strong. 

Tillie is the epitome of savage. She is hardcore, smart, will defend herself and others, if needed. In a sense, she is like Robin Hood. He gave money to the poor, while Tillie defends those that are frailer and weaker than her. She doesn’t take any crap from anyone. However, there is one person that can slip past her defenses no matter how many times she puts a wall up. Nate.

Nate has left me speechless. He had just evolved tremendously from part 1 to now. Malum part 1 felt like boys playing King of the Hill on the schoolyard. Malum part 2 brings on a whole new ballgame for The Kings. It’s no more King of the Hill their playing, now it’s King of the World and watch out world, because these boys mean and do what they say. Their lives are one big chess match and you don’t want to cross Tillie and her Kings. They have matured, evolved in their roles within the group and quite frankly are bad@ss. Nate was larger than life. He appeared to fill in every space wherever he was. He is domineering, scary, hot and plain excelled in his role with the Kings. Tillie and Nate are two puzzle pieces trying to find their match. The downside to finding your match with these two is that they are explosive together and if you don’t watch out, you will get burned. 

Amo Jones has seriously done it again. She held back no punches, displayed the chemistry that just blew up the page, took you on a ride full of up’s, down’s, twist’s and turns. As jarring and addicting as it was, one of my favorite things was when Tillie and the Kings just sat back, relaxed, bantered and had a few laughs. They emanated the whole feeling of family, despite not necessarily being blood related. 

Amo you continually mesmerize me with your talented writing. I know when I read an Amo Jones’ book, I will have had everything drawn out of me and be left breathless. In Malum 1, I was full of ‘no way’ and ‘oh my gosh where is this going’? In Malum 2, all questions from part I were answered, and you have left me spent and emotional.

Congratulations on a well-done book and I can’t wait for what’s next!!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Wickedly and delicious Royal stars.