Archive | September 2023

Always, Axel by Rose Croft–Review

Always, Axel is book four in Rose Croft’s Boys on the Hill series. Axel has been present in the previous books, but this book is all about him and his love interest, Natalya Pradhan. Once Axel sets his sights on Natalie, he is completely focused on her. His training as the top running back is to keep his sights on the end zone, well, he applies this to Natalie. Natalie is his end zone and once that target is locked, he will not stray.

I love Axel and have been waiting for his book, but what I wasn’t expecting was Natalie. She is consumed with familial responsibilities and has an incredible work ethic in her classes and internship. I adored Natalie for her tenacity towards her schooling, and her commitment towards her familial responsibilities (even if it is something that she doesn’t want to do). It was beautiful to see her peeking out of her shell to enjoy life as a nineteen-year-old, and the mettle she portrays towards Mr. Popular Football even if she just wants to fade into the woodwork.

This genius couple throws a whole new dynamic into this infamous football group. Oh, did I mention that she is also a virgin? Think about that, a virgin heroine, and Mr. Popular football god, oh the spicy and angsty interactions that ensue.

There are many things that I love about Rose’s writing, such as steamy, brash, and foul-mouthed men, who are uberly possessive, yet when they love, they love hard. Whether she is writing about a true biological band of brothers or a band of brothers that are united by a sport they love, she makes them relatable and hard not to love. She writes multi-cultural so easily and with such heart that you can feel the personal experience just oozing off the page.

Rose’s writing has evolved and matured over the years, and this is evident in Always, Axel. We see the continuity of writing and evolution of these boys from book one until book four. I can’t wait to see what’s next for this author, possibly another Boys on the Hill book. In any case, Always, Axel is a steamy, angsty, uber possessive, multi-cultural, and eye-opening read. Kudos, Rose, on a book well written.

Coming 9/21/23
